Nag Dosh
"Nag Dosh," also known as "Sarpa Dosham" or "Sarpa Dosha Nivarana," is an astrological belief in Hindu astrology (Vedic astrology) that associates the negative influence of serpent deities or energies in a person's birth chart.
According to this belief, Nag Dosh occurs when Rahu (North Node of the Moon) or Ketu (South Node of the Moon) are placed in specific houses of the birth chart, particularly the first, fifth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth houses. It is believed to bring various challenges and negative effects in a person's life, including difficulties in relationships, health issues, financial problems, and other obstacles.
Some people who believe in the significance of Nag Dosh may consult with astrologers to analyze their birth charts and seek remedies or rituals to mitigate its effects. Remedies may vary depending on individual beliefs and astrologers' recommendations, but they can include prayers, fasting, charitable acts, visiting temples, performing specific rituals, or wearing gemstones.